Monday, May 10, 2010

Magnifient mums mixed media large flower painting on paper by Australlian artist Chris Hobel

Magnificient Mums mixed Media Painting 
Step1,drawing with 4b pencil, oil pastels, water soluble pastels on A2 cartridge paperMagnificient  Mums Mixed Media Painting
step 2 I added a damp brush to blend some of the colours, I painted over the whole painting with Atelier binding medium to seal any water soluble areas I wanted to protect from future layers, it allows me to paint thick white paint over the mums without any bleeding. I then added more washes and pastel
The Close up allows you to see how much loose drawing I did. I really enjoy this style of working which I first did many years ago before I did any real structured  art study.

When is a drawing a painting? When is a painting a drawing? I would love to read your comments

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